Monday, November 21, 2011

album #41

hexadecagon (the octopus project)

Two things I didn't know about this band until the other night: They're Austin natives, and also this album was played live as an installation piece at South by Southwest, an epic art-concert. And knowing that really makes the record make sense- I'd describe this as an album that would be more exhilarating live. Get caught up in the rhythms, feel the sound surround you, everybody bobbing and dancing along. It makes me think about music as a Catholic experience, sheltered and religious and mystical and totemic, vs. mechanically reproduced music, where I'm just sitting and listening to this album on my bed, in between gchat conversations and thinking about what site to head to next. Shadowy dancers, neon streaks of light, that's what I see now when I think of this album.

Particular favorites: "A Phantasy," I've always liked how the melody line lands in that track, and "Circling" is pretty exciting, it very much feels like the communal climax, there's an awesome sense of drive and drama and unity in the way the instruments spiral around the central, authoritative key line, like a tight jagged twister.

Don't love all the tracks but they're all fun, positive, there's a melodic goodness to it- I wouldn't call myself excited by Most of the tracks, though. This band might be worth further exploration, though, if they've put together other albums that have pulled a strong response.

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