Saturday, November 5, 2011

album #20

satanic panic in the attic (of montreal)

This is a mirthful album, playful, strange, something between psychadelic pop and folk rock. For whatever reason this album reminds me of a street fair; it's sunny and baroque, a little thinner and simpler than The Sunlandic Twins. There's more of a pinch to the sound, whereas the latter album has a bass and electric depth, a richness, fullness that has always won me over.

I've always loved "Disconnect the Dots," a magnificent synth anthem, one of the great openers. "Lysergic Bliss" is almost like a suite, it's a more exciting journey than I remembered or understood until just now- a song worth knowing better. "Erroneous Escape into Erik Eckles" is a cool number, a hip jangly melodic sway to that song. I always loved the dynamic energy of "Rapture Rapes the Muses," and the leisurely sex of "Spike the Senses."

Lots of other fun, sneaky numbers- a lot of it feels like a mildly inappropriate or deliberately devilish children's book, Lemony Snicket-like, in those playfully tangled lyrics and sunny, winning sounds.

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