Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tuesday recap/ Wednesday list

this was not the strongest day. To be fair, your schedule's a little thrown the past few days because lots of social stuff is going on. you had a friend in town, spent a lot of time on that yesterday and today; and there's parties and special occasions today, yesterday and tomorrow. that stuff is all well and good and if you're slipping on your schedule, there's no better reason than time spent with friends.

so, what you Did tuesday: workout, saw h-night, swept and organized your room pretty well.
what you left on the table and need to work on tomorrow: fount story and cleaning the other rooms of the apartment, especially the living room.

Don't be mad or disappointed for not maximizing your work today- (because look, in addition to time spent with friends, you also weren't especially focused or hard-driving at home.) Just remember that tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to accomplish your goals. Here's a list of stuff, roughly categorized into priority order

(high) mail rent (high) clean living room (high) work on your story (high) wash dishes (medium) tumblr (medium) prez sentence (medium) abs workout (medium) clean bathroom (low) organize your bedroom papers (low) copy your mailkey

here's a list of things for tomorrow. I'm not setting the alarm because, it's already idiotically late, just rest up because tomorrow night's party is all night. but here's some stuff to consider, in this order:

• abs workout
• breakfast, post drawing and prez sentence, message a casting director for that thing you saw on actors access
• lunch, update your receivers review, check ax ax
• outdoor errands: put check in the mail, copy mail key
• break
• write your mo'fucking story
• dishes
• nap

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


(modified later schedule because this was a late night, and every night until after new years will be a late night)

11.30 am-12.30 pm workout
12.30- 1 pm breakfast, post prez sentence and drawing, check clist and actors access
1 pm- 3 pm intensive cleaning, bedroom and living room focus
3 pm- 4 pm lunch and shower (need to shower, don't put it off, because evening is busy), check clist and actors access
4 pm- 4.30 pm break
4.30 pm- 6.30 pm work on fount story
before leaving: take rent check, drop off rent check in mailbox
later that night: H Night!

Monday, December 29, 2008


these are the big, top priorities for tomorrow. I'll write up a full schedule later, but these things get max attention. No matter what else you accomplish, if these things aren't done, you haven't had a successful day, and if these things are done, you have had a successful day.

(1) workout (2) clean your bedroom (3) mail rent check (4) progress on fount story (5) dishes (6) living room (7) H Night.

monday review

Work out (8 am-9 am) check. this might need more time in the future- 730 to 9, 8 to 930.
Shower and breakfast (9 am- 10 am) Amend this to a half-hour for breakfast. I'll shower later in the day from now on, after cleaning etc.
Update work resume, call Lloyd's, check craigslist (10 am-10.30 am) check. Lloyds, good to call them every monday morning. as for checking craigslist, it's not a once a day thing, it should be a continual process, once every few hours. same with actors access. these are good habits to develop.
Clean bedroom, wash dishes, clean living room, bathroom, in that order of priority (10.30 am-11.30 am) Made progress on bedroom. Mopped kitchen floor. Otherwise, not so much progress on the cleaning front. This needs to be a big focus tomorrow.
Relax/post drawing to tumblr, prez sentence to koolkat (11.30 am-12 pm) check.
Lunch (12 pm- 1 pm) check.
Check avclub, look up albums for listening, select the day's album (1 pm-1.45 pm) did not do this, just got an album from online instead. this is a good low-priority project for future free time.
Outdoors, purchase listerine and shaving cream (1.45 pm- 2 pm) check.
Wikipedia hour, listen to album (2 pm- 3 pm) check. and wrote reflections. the wikipedia hour so far is a pretty exhausting task. 45 minutes reading and 15 minutes writing a reflection seems like an appropriate ratio.
Break (3 pm- 4 pm) ended up sleeping from about 2-415. I needed to catch up on sleep, but let's not do this everyday.
Draft cartoon ideas (4 pm-4.30 pm) check.
Research and work on Fount story (4.30 pm- 6.30 pm) check. good philosophical/structural/research progress. need to start filling it in starting tomorrow.

the wikipedia hour 12/29/08

Elizabeth Needham- famous madam (or 'bawd') in England, early 1700s. pretty classic archetypal character- vicious to her girls, with an artful, charismatic exterior. She ran the most famous and elite brothel of her era.

Sally Salisbury- the most famous prostitute of early 1700s England, died approx 1732. beautiful and witty. she stabbed one of her clients after an insult, but she regretted it and he forgave her. these two articles really remind me of how, men really had it Much better than women, to an insulting degree, in this era. the consistent theme of these articles is that the women were considered criminals or disgraces, when caught, but the men were given a slap on the wrist or completely forgiven/brushed off

Khmer Empire- reigned from around 800 to 1300 or so, in southeast asia. Capital region was Angkor, the largest pre-industrial urban center in the world, larger than present-day New York. This empire had great economic prosperity- three rice harvests a year- plus excellent infrastructure, great waterworks, etc. and beautiful buddhist temples, most famously Angkor Wat. Reading the history of the Empire makes me think, appropriately, of Age of Empires. fighting with these little nations at its borders, pushing back and forth. ultimately it seems that economic and infrastructure decline led to the empire's decline. interesting to see if this society comes up when I read Collapse by Jared Diamond.

James J. Howard- New Jersey congressman from the mid 1960s to the late 1980s. Famed highway safety advocate. He's the guy who proposed the 55 mph speed limit.

album #1

receivers (parts and labor).

as recommended by glidewell. the song "nowheres nigh" is a real knockout, I really like it and I'll have to ask him for it. this band has a very anthemic sound- that's probably the best way to say it. Each song has the vibe of a funeral pyre, or a declaration of independence, or a call to arms. There's a bigness to every song. nowhere's nigh is my favorite because it has the most upbeat, pop sound, and also it's their most uplifting anthem. Everything else has a less desirable, darker or flatter vibe.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

sunday accomplishments

• founded the 99in2K9 blog.
• purchased daily planner
• wrote monday schedule
• listened to first half of glidewell's top-50
• wikipedia hour and wrote reflections
• began drafting literature list, music list

the wikipedia hour 12/28/08

Thylacine: this thing looks like an animal that JD and I would've invented. a long, frail dog with a tiger-striped body, stiff skinny tail, and a huge gaping jaw. it is officially extinct but still apparently sighted around Australia.

deconvolution- I totally don't understand this. I think I know what they're referring to- making inverses of images, basically- but I need to know a lot more about math or read it a lot more closely before I can figure out what this is.

James Moore Smythe- young english nobleman/playwright/possibly plagiarist, all around fop, lived 1700-1730 approx. this man would be a Huge celebrity if he were alive today. a child of high society who shamelessly courts publicity and notoriety.
• (John Dryden was mentioned in the article- he seems like a guy who would be interesting to truly study and learn about)

Monopoly Law- far too interesting to read when I'm already badly tired. I need to look over it when I'm fresh sometime. The three categories of competition law are collusion and cartel; mergers and acquisitions; and monopoly law. looks like a generally interesting category to study


Work out (8 am-9 am)
Shower and breakfast (9 am- 10 am)
Update work resume, call Lloyd's, check craigslist (10 am-10.30 am)
Clean bedroom, wash dishes, clean living room, bathroom, in that order of priority (10.30 am-11.30 am)
Relax/post drawing to tumblr, prez sentence to koolkat (11.30 am-12 pm)
Lunch (12 pm- 1 pm)
Check avclub, look up albums for listening, select the day's album (1 pm-1.45 pm)
Outdoors, purchase listerine and shaving cream (1.45 pm- 2 pm)
Wikipedia hour, listen to album (2 pm- 3 pm)
Break (3 pm- 4 pm)
4 pm - 7 pm is your daily creative production time. This time is allocated for creative work every day. Each day it'll be a different assignment, depending on what you're working on or need to work on
Draft cartoon ideas (4 pm-4.30 pm)
Research and work on Fount story (4.30 pm- 6.30 pm)

and the rest of the night: free! (but some things you should do: email your improv team, read some Grant if youre not too exhausted)

the following are acceptable reasons for deviating from this schedule: (1) you get paying work on this day. (2) you are spending quality time with a friend.

university of life

these are two things I wrote, right after my graduation from NYU:

"(1) just because you're done getting grades, doesn't mean you're done learning.
Keep expanding yourself intellectually.

(2) Follow your own definition of success and achievement.
that's not an excuse to be happy with your status quo. it's a reminder that your talents are different than those of the law-school bound 4.0 student. devote yourself to sharing and expanding your talents. on your terms."

that's generally the mission of the year. I feel like I took a semester off to just hang around, do some good things but not really kick any ass, but now I'm enrolling in the University of Life.

these are my courses

• Physical Education
• Literature
• Music Education
• Home Economics
• Creative Writing
• Improv Theatre
• Painting
• Art Criticism
• Cartooning

I'll be working on syllabi for music education and literature, over the next few days


there are two broad categories of enrichment. consumption enrichment and production enrichment

consumption enrichment is making yourself better by what you absorb. to see an exhibit, to read a book, to listen to an album, etc.

production enrichment is making yourself better by what you create. to make a painting, to write a story, to play guitar, etc.

throughout my college years I was pretty darn good at consumption enrichment, but lagged a little on production enrichment. and since I graduated, I've had a decent level of both, but still far, far less than my ambition.

so the mission in 2009 is to bring both of these to very, very high levels, and to approach both with a high level of discipline. I already know that the consumption is going to be easier, that's just the way it goes.

here's a collection of goals/ideas for the two fields, this upcoming year. more specific info will come with time

consumption enrichment: listen to 2 or 3 new albums, every week (at Least one a week). read a new book every one-three weeks. see at least one art exhibit every two weeks. spend an hour every day reading random wikipedia articles, expanding general/interesting knowledge. (*and this is what is going to be different this year: write up reports about the stuff you absorb. from a simple, 'this is what I liked/disliked' up to thorough analysis. but the point is, instead of absorbing and glossing over, you truly are understanding/have a lasting record of how you felt about the information you consumed.)

production enrichment: work out every morning. draft one new cartoon idea every day. publish at least one drawing on tumblr, every single day. perform with your improv groups. write and perform a sketch show with friends. make some comedy videos. make a large number of good paintings. design and sell t-shirts. audition/appear in other video projects. write a piece for fount, every week. produce presidential ranking blog with JD.

an epiphany

"discipline, and a plan, are the only things that separate the man you are from the man you want to be."

simple words that occurred to me while I was taking a walk today.

I'm generally pretty happy and proud about who I am, but I still feel this deep hunger- this feeling that there is so much more room to grow, so much more I can do to absorb, understand and contribute to this world.

so my resolution for 2009 is one big, simple resolution- this year, I'm not gonna lazily coast, not going to be content with offering 10% of my potential. In 2009, I'm gonna give 99%.

and the thing is, it doesn't have to be one huge, crippling commitment. getting to 99% is all about discipline, and a plan. It's about taking the things I wanna do, the ways I want to grow, and reducing them to fun, simple new habits to form. this is going to be hard, but it's also going to be easy. and it's going to be fun. I'm excited for the challenges.

this blog is meant to be a private journal for myself, to give myself encouragement and track progress on a variety of goals. but if somebody stumbles across and reads, that's no problem.