Thursday, September 9, 2010

album #10

red headed stranger (willie nelson)

A relistenable classic. Really liked this record. Not too many songs stand out, but I like the entire piece- the narrative flows nicely, I feel like I understand what's going on better than most albums I listen to. I give credit to Willie's clean, iconic voice. I like the returning motifs of certain melodies. A melancholy record, patient but well paced. "Blue Rock Montana" and "Red Headed Stranger" might be my favorite songs. Extraordinary lyrics, chilling story, and I love the melody. But I mean, they're all good. "Blue Eyes Crying In the Rain" is the best example of a couple dreamlike songs- the heartbroken recollections, the private thoughts- or the intimate side- of the red headed stranger. It's like the album shifts between the story of the man in the third person, and the intimate heartache of the first person. The second half of the album feels a little rambly, as if the man has completed his revenge and doesn't really know where to go next, doesn't know what he's looking for anymore. He's just a lost soul riding along the countryside. And then there's a sense of uplift in the last tracks- "Remember Me" and "Hands on the Wheel," in the rhythm, in the melody, hint at something better. And the wistful, instrumental epilogue of "Bandera" closes the album nicely. Really a terrific record, a fine accomplishment. Enigmatic, lovely, teeming with restrained passions, a country classic.

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